Intermission April 23

Evil Inc Monthly Comic #25 – April, 2014

The new Evil Inc Monthly is available! It’s once again possible to download the upcoming Evil Inc comic strips for this month as a convenient download, perfect for your iPad, Kindle Fire, iPhone or other digital device — even your desktop! And now… you can subscribe to get them delivered to you automatically every month!
The April Evil Inc comic is a continuation of the exciting “Ul’Thax Proposal” storyline. The heroes are gathered to save the world — or so they think! Will the villains be able to save the world? The Ul’Thax Proposal promises to put Evil Inc in charge of world domination — if it doesn’t destroy it first! Then… in a huge bonus feature, we re-live Dr. Muskiday falling head-over-flippers in love with a woman who has a dark, horrible secret. Will Dr. Haynus be able to save him (and will he be able to save himself and his puppy/host Scruffy in the process)?


Click on the covers to initiate download!

Kindle Fire

If you’re a Kindle Fire user, remember, you can use the convenient Send to Kindle app (it’s free!) to send your Evil Inc comic to your device. Also available at… drivethrucomics_250