A Little Good Press
My comics have had a little good press recently that I wanted to pass along. First up is a very kind letter-to-the-editor that Eric from Silver Spring, Md., wrote to the Philadelphia Daily News. It was printed over the weekend in the Sat., June 21, edition. Unfortunately, it was not mirrored in the paper’s Web site. Click on the image to the right to see an enlargement of how it appeared in print.
Thanks, Eric, for being an uber-fan. You’re the best.
Next, is an awesome piece courtesy of James and Melissa Treacy, who work for Trend, a weekly newspaper circulated to more than 800,000 households throughout the suburban areas of Philadelphia.
The Trend write-up covers all the bases:
“At left, Brad Guigar of Philadelphia is the creator of such comics as ‘Evil Inc,’ a ‘comic about a corporation run for super-villains by super-villains,’ ‘Courting Disaster,’ a single-panel comic about love and relationships, and ‘Phables,’ a ‘weekly look at life in Philadelphia.’ Phables was nominated for an Eisner Award for Best Digital Comic 2007. The comics are both Web-based comics, as well as comics printed in hard copy publications like the Daily News in Philadelphia…Guigar writes and draws his own comics, and is also a published author of books like ‘How To Make Webcomics,’ and ‘The Everything Cartooning Book.’ For more information on Guigar’s comics, visit his Web sites at www.evil-comic.com, www.phables.com and www.courting-disaster.com.“
My friends, that is press. Thanks so much, James and Melissa! You guys rock! The layout appears below: