Category: Cool Stuff to Buy
Kickstarter update
Thank you so much for your outpouring of support for my Kickstarter campaign! I’m really excited to be so close to funding so quickly!
A few of you have asked for an option to buy all eight books and get all eight PDFs. It’s something I should have thought about to begin with! But it’s an easy fix, so if you were someone who wanted that option, it now exists!
I originally set a limit of 25 for the package of all eight books, but that limit got met so quickly that I realized I may have underestimated the demand for this reward. So I’ve re-set the limit for 50. If you wanted all eight books — but were prevented from ordering it due to the limit — you’ve got a second chance!
Thanks again for your encouragement and support. If you haven’t shared your support of this campaign through Twitter/Facebook/Tumblr/etc., please consider doing so. It really helps! Here’s the URL to link to:
We’re past the halfway point, and quickly getting to the point of Stretch Goals. If you have an idea for something you’d really like to see offered through this campaign, please don’t hesitate to drop me a line! I’d be thrilled to hear your ideas!