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Previews: Marvels Project, Deadpool, Iron Man and Hercules
Courtesy of Newsarama, here are four previews of Marvel’s best this week.
Incredible Hercules #136
The face-off Herc fans have been clamoring for since his series began is here at last! God of Strength versus God of Thunder! Adamantine mace versus uru hammer! Olympian versus Asgardian! Incredible versus Mighty! That’s right — Hercules battles Thor! The Odinson discovers the Lion of Olympus has been impersonating him and he’s out to prove nothing beats the original! Then, in #137, the epic Secret Origin of Amadeus Cho concludes! He learns his connection with the original Master Mind Excello and the identity of who really killed his parents! And once Amadeus knows this, will he look to reunite with Hercules… or destroy him?
The centerpiece of Marvel’s 70th anniversary celebration turns a deadly corner, as Nazi spies infiltrate the secret US government’s Super-Soldier Experiment… and while the Torch learns what it means to be both human and a hero, Prince Namor arrives in New York looking for nothing more than vengeance! Things really heat up this issue as award-winning creators Ed Brubaker and Steve Epting bring you the definitive in-continuity origin of Marvel!
Deep within a secret government base beneath the arctic tundra lies the “Ark”: a vault containing the genetic codes for all life on Earth. But there’s a problem — a rogue Artificial Intelligence has decided that the best way to protect the samples is to eradicate every living creature! Only Iron Man has the knowledge to stop the machine — and he’s only got an hour to do it! Join Robert Venditti — creator of The Surragates, now a major motion picture — and fan-favorite artist Nelson (X-Factor) as the fate of the world hangs in the balance!
Special super-sized, action-packed 104-page special to commemorate Deadpool’s historic 900th issue! … Wait, has it really been nine-hundred issues…? Who cares?! If this collection of octane-infused stories by some of comics’ hottest talent doesn’t make you want to genuflect at the Altar of Wade, nothing will. Thrill as the Merc with a Mouth squares off against probe-happy aliens, trigger-happy mimes and one seriously unhappy fanman and that’s just half the book! Wince as Wade bares his soul (and lots more) to a shrink who’s got major squirrels in his own attic. Thrill as he travels around the globe and then some to settle a childhood bet. And chill as C.S.I. investigators at a blood-splattered crime scene attempt to piece together why this particular “unsub” needed battery cables, Crisco oil, three stacks of adult magazines and a live chicken to pull off the hit.