Category: News
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The Variants: Episode Three
I’ve just discovered a clever, fast-paced Web series based in the Zeus Comics store in Dallas, Texas. It’s funny as hell, and very enjoyable to anyone who has seen the inside of a comic shop (or wants to).
From their site:
Hi. My name’s Joe Cucinotti. Formerly a radio DJ in Dallas/Fort Worth and a host of the short-lived (but soon to rise again like a phoenix from the ashes) podcast JOE VS KEN that I produced with long time friend Ken Lowery.
In early 2009 Ken and I were approached by Richard Neal — the Eisner award winning owner and operator of Zeus Comics in Dallas TX. (4411 Lemmon — come visit!) He expressed a desire to develop a web series that would appeal to fans of something like Felicia Day’s THE GUILD but fused with the comic/dramatic style that you might see in something like THE OFFICE or 30 ROCK.
What qualifies Ken and I to help with putting this project together? Well, not a whole lot really. I’ve written a couple screenplays, 2 one-act stage productions, a stage musical and a full length stage comedy. Of those, only 1 of the one-act plays has been produced. Ken writes movie reviews, sits upon his throne as the Lord of Twitter and had a backup story published in THE BLACK DIAMOND #2 — ONE MORE FOR THE ROAD by AiT/Planet Lar. We’re not exactly seasoned comedy writers but that wouldn’t stop us.
After a number of brainstorming and writing sessions, THIS is what we came up with. A show that would pull the curtain back on (and maybe embellish) what life is like for the people who work at a comic book shop. Giving you, the customer/viewer/passhole, a little bit of insight on what we’re saying about you after you leave the store. HAHAHA Just kidding, folks — mostly.
I know I speak for Richard and Ken when I say that we’re very excited to share our work with you.