Comic Con Countdown: 1 day

Comic Con Countdown: 1 dayThe Eisner Awards! Scott Kurtz’s PvP has been nominated for another Eisner this year. There are four finalists for the Best Digital Comic category:

Copper, by Kazu
Jellaby, by Kean Soo,
ojingogo, by matt forsythe
PVP, by Scott Kurtz

Chris Ware and Warren Ellis are nominated for seven categories; Brian K. Vaughan and J. H. Williams III each have five nods; Alan Moore, Tony Harris, and Kyle Baker all have four nominations; and Grant Morrison, Eric Powell, Joann Sfar, Seth and Frank Espinosa all have three. DC and its various imprints racked up the most company nominations, with 28 full nominations and shares of several others.

Yours truly stands overlooked yet again. Sigh. 🙂

The panel of judges consisted of critic Christopher Allen (Comic Book Galaxy), cartoonist/publisher John Gallangher (Buzzboy), editor Nisha Gopalan (Entertainment Weekly), product manager Robert Randle (Diamond Comic Distributors), and retailer Robert Scott (Comikaze, San Diego).

Winners all, says I.