This episode of ComicLab is sponsored by Wacom! On this week's show, the ComicLab guys discuss the importance of allowing a failing Kickstarter to come to its natural end. But first, Dave learns the saga of Jim Hanks.
Listener questions...
Should you "save" a failing Kickstarter?
How do you convert Patreon followers into backers?
Should you use Myers-Briggs personality tests to help define characters
Should you do Charge Upfront on Patreon?
Drawing smoother lines with shaky hands
Special Offer! If you become a Patreon backer at the $5 level or higher before Thanksgiving, you'll get both "How To Make Webcomics" and "The Webcomics Handbook" as easily downloaded eBooks! Plus, you'll get a new episode of Drunk ComicLab — which will be available only on Patreon!
Limited-edition ComicLab enamel pins are now available at and!
Brad Guigar is the creator of Evil Inc and the editor of
Dave Kellett is the creator of Sheldon and Drive.
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