Chapter 15 | Page 4b: Applied Mad Sciences


Krankenos, the Tentacled Terror, speaks in from of the gathered employees of the Fairmount branch of Evil Inc. They are (from left): Miss Match, Catnip, Dr. Muskiday, Count Spurlock, Iron Dragon, Tempest (who has moved closer to Iron Dragon), Lightning Lady, and Desdemona. In the background, Giant Tess escorts Psy-Chick from the office.

Panel 1: Narration: "Later..."

Krakenos: "I look forward to getting to know each of you, and learning more about your roles and how we can work together. Effective immediately, all personal days and vacation days are canceled. Sick days must now be accompanied by a doctor's note. — A real doctor, not just a supervillain with a flair for the dramatic."

Panel 2: Krakenos: "I will be meeting with each of you to determine three things you can do to increase your department's productivity."

Panel 3: Krakenos: "I will expect a twenty-five percent improvement by the end of this quarter. If not, I will be making personnel changes."

Panel 4: Catnip, as an aside to Dr. Muskiday: "Do you have a medical degree or a flair for the dramatic?"

Panel 5: Dr. Muskiday: "My doctorate is in 'applied mad sciences.' Drama was a prerequisite."