Chapter 15 | Page 13b: From zeroes to heroes

In their first challenge as a team, Cassie Cruz' gang of erstwhile heroes try to stop a purse-snatcher!


Panel 1:

Purse snatcher is running away. From off-panel: "The purse-snatcher is getting away!"

Panel 2:

Malocchio: "Don't worry. I've got my eye on him."

Thief (disgusted): "Ew! Lady! You should get that looked at!"

Panel 3:

Sound effect: "K'TANG" (a piano falls into the purse snatcher)

Panel 4:

Faux Fox (returning purse to a woman): "Here's your purse, miss..."
Woman (kissing Faux Fox): "Thank you so much!"
Sound effect: "Smooch"

Panel 5:

Malocchio (excited): "I... I did a heroic quip! I've always wanted to do a heroic quip!"
Crimson Ghost: "Not bad for your first time."
Purse snatcher (from under the piano): "Ouch."
Night Mayor (to the woman): "I slowed him down! But I didn't do it for the kisses. ...Unless you feel so moved..."
Glue Trap: "Heh. 'Got your eye on him!' I get it!"
Ms. Cruz (texting Jeremy): "They stopped a crime?!
Jeremy (replies): "They... they're heroes!"