Chapter 15 | Page 14a: Hero’s Welcome
Last week, Cassie's rag-tag group of ne-er-do-wells actually stopped a crime! This week, they receive a hero's welcome. (But some are more welcomed than others!)
Panel 1
(Caption: Later...)
Reporter: I'm here with Night Mayor, who was part of tonight's heroism.
Panel 2
Reporter: Mister "Mayor," weren't you holding the city comptroller hostage a few weeks ago?
Night Mayor: Yeah, it turns out... nobody knows what a comptroller does... so the only ransom I got was a handful of gift certificates to Blockbuster video rental.
Panel 3
Night Mayor: By the way, how do I get my reward for tonight? Is there some sorta form I gotta fill out, or—
Reporter: Reward?!
Panel 4
Night Mayor: If anybody deserves a reward for tonight, it's Malocchio!
Reporter: And you are?
Jeremy Veebles: Jeremy Veebles, corporate liaison.
Panel 5
Jeremy Veebles: You should be interviewing her! She's right over—
Jeremy Veebles: Where'd she go?!
Panel 6
Jeremy Veebles (thinking): "Heh-heh. She probably saw another criminal and has him in her clutches as we speak!"
(The final panel shows a woman in a blue outfit passionately kissing a man against a wall.)