Chapter 15 | Page 16b: Bringin’ it, big time
A very NSFW Halloween

Now that we're in the thick of Spooky Season, here are a few tricks AND treats from some of my pals who do NSFW comics!
Click here to see my carnal contribution!
Here's the complete list of participants...
Super Rivals by John Harrington
Spying With Lana by Sean Harrington
Exiern by Shan and the Exiern Team
Yesterday Bound by Marshall Reeves
Delve by Andrew Hunter
Pulse by Lightfoot
CKarrus by Gojiramon
Danger Zone One by Midnight
Lady Valiant by Team Lady Valiant
Bloomin' Faeries by Jaycee Knight
Evil Inc by Brad Guigar

The story so far...
With their jobs at stake, the villains of the Fairmount branch of Evil Inc try to devise a plan that will prove their office too crucial to close. Meanwhile, Miss Match heads to Dr.Muskiday’s lab to see if he can help.
Today, she’ll get her answer.
Panel 1:
[Text in the background]
Meanwhile, in Doctor Muskiday's laboratory.
A sign on the door says "MUTATIONS While 'U' Wait." The scene shows the door and steps leading into the lab.
Panel 2:
Miss Match: "Do you think that will be enough?"
Dr. Muskiday: "Possibly. You see, my time-distortion device is in the early stages of development."
Panel 3:
Muskiday: "I can only go backward in time."
Panel 4:
Dr. Muskiday (seen in shadow with a sparkle effect behind it): "And I can only go back about ten seconds or so."
Panel 5:
Miss Match (repeating the question): "Do you think that will be enough?"
The scene shows the same lab door and steps as Panel 1.
Panel 6:
Dr. Muskiday (repeating): "Possibly. You see, my time-distortion device is in the early stages of development..."
Panel 7:
[Text in the background]
Several hours later...
[Text in dialogue bubble]
"...Or was it only ten seconds?"
Miss Match (angrily): "THIS IS IMPORTANT!"
The panel shows the lab door again.
Panel 8:
Miss Match: "We need something impressive! — Something that will make Doctor Whoosh rethink closing our office!"
Panel 9:
Miss Match: "We don't have time for complicated schemes. This has to be immediate and devastating."
Panel 10:
Miss Match, standing in the lab: "I really need you to think big."
Panel 11:
Miss Match, hovering near the woman: "Can you handle that?"
The woman stands with arms at her sides, looking serious as she faces the good doctor.
© 2023 Brad J. Guigar. All rights reserved.