Chapter 15 | Page 20a: Between a rock and a hard place

Last week, Cassie Cruz was named the new manager of the Fairmount branch of Evil Inc. Today, we rejoin Cassie as her faithful assistant asks her why she accepted the position.
Evil Inc: Nov. 26, 2024
Panel 1
Later... back at the Silver Agency...
Jeremy: Ma'am... why are you doing this?
Panel 2
Cassie Cruz: The Evil Inc nursing home is the only place capable of caring for my mother's special needs. And even they're having trouble!
Panel 3
Cruz: So, when Dr. Whoosh offered me the job, I didn't have a choice.
Panel 4
Cruz: Do you know what that feels like?! Abject powerlessness in the face of an assertive superior?
Panel 5
Knowing you must subjugate yourself to their will? — Serve their every whim?! — Kneel before their authority?!?
Gulp. Y-Yes... yes, I do...
Panel 6
The scene widens to show that Jeremy is still stuck to GlueTrap’s back. He’s been listening to this conversation against his will.
GlueTrap: Honestly... this is getting uncomfortable...
Footer: © 2024 Brad J. Guigar. All rights reserved.
Cassie Cruz started out trying to build financial stability for superheroes through the use of their powers. Now, she’s in charge of an office full of villains and scoundrels. How did this happen??