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Patreon — What they're saying
Here are some recent comments from my Patreon backers. For a slideshow of some of the best of what I'm posting for my backers, check out this (cruelly cropped) slideshow.“I love seeing the variation in body types. Skinny guy, fat guy, muscular guy, girl with large breasts, girl with small breasts. The variety makes the image come alive.”
— C.D.
“Can't wait to see the heated scenes coming up! Let's hope the mystic apprentice has better luck controlling his wand than he did with his spellbook.”
— M.O.
“This made me ugly laugh”
— H.L.
“Love the little details/jokes that are put in. ...Really creative!”
— M.H.
“I have to say; great artwork (as always), but this is some of the best lighting work I've seen in any webcomic. It really helps set the mood and tone. Very, very nice.”
— E.D.
“Succubus history; amazingly erotic, lol.”
— M.O.