Spice Rack Comics
Spying with Lana

Chapter 15 | Page 7a: Downward trend

The Evil Inc gang has discovered that the CEO is closing their branch.


Today, we turn our attention across the city to the offices of the Silver Agency, an outsourcing company that finds paid work for super-powered people. Silver Agency’s founder Cassie Cruz has gotten a call from the nursing home that cares for her mother.


Panel 1

The Silver Agency building is shown with a billboard that says: "Silver Agency — Hire Your Own Hero"

Narration: Meanwhile, at the Silver Agency, Cassie Cruz gets a call from Trembling Hills, the nursing home for super-powered people that is currently caring for her mother, Princess Charming.

[From inside the building] "How could she do that?!"

Panel 2

Cassie sitting at a desk, looking at her laptop screen, continues: "I thought your staff used neuro-dampeners around residents with mind-control powers."

Panel 3

The director of Trembling Hills nursing home: "They do. Your mother's abilities overwhelmed our safeguards."

Panel 4

[The director continues over a scene of the eldery Princess Charming, mind-controling three orderlies to dance and sing] "By the time our guards intervened, she had three orderlies acting out the 'Seventy-Six Trombones' scene from 'The Music Man.'"

Cassie: "Oh... oh my..."

Panel 5

Cassie: "Are they OK?"

Panel 6

Director. Man: "Only one of them is, I'm afraid... The other two were pitchy and derivative."