We all hate the Facebook algorithm. Why? Because it keeps our messages from going out to all of our followers.
What if I told you that the Facebook algorithm — in fact, most social-media algorithms — was your friend. What if I told you it was an ally? What if I told you it was
even more than that? Would you think I was crazy?
Pull up a chair.
Your followers don’t want every message you send
Here’s the dirty little secret that you may not want to accept: Your readers aren’t interested in reading every message you send. I know that you tell yourself otherwise. After all, why else would they have “liked” your page? Why else are they following you — if not to receive a steady stream of your dedicated messaging?
But they don’t. And —
truly — that’s not what they signed up for.
What they want is to hear from you
sometimes — and preferably when it’s important to
Stop. Read that sentence again. It's crucial.
Think I'm wrong?
prove it to you...
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