Is this a dream? Is this reality?
Narration / Mister Howell: Something's not right.
Mister Howell: Tasha... what was that, back there? — in the bedroom?
Tasha: That... was wonderful.
Mister Howell: No... I mean, this morning...
Mister Howell: Our daughter... um, Clarissa... I was teaching her about the phases of the moon...
Mister Howell: It's an essential concept for our people to understand. — Crucial for us to keep track of.
Mister Howell: Yet, you let Clarissa think it was a joke.
Tasha: Are you feeling all right, my love? What's all this nonsense about moon phrases?!
Mister Howell: Phases. Moon phases.
Another woman wearing a skimpy nightshirt enters the kitchen: "-yawn- Good morning, my love..."
Narration: I mean... it's not BAD...