I’ve got an indea…
Look what's available for pre-order on Amazon.com!

This week, as Dave Kellett preps for this weekend's Emerald City Comic Con, he asks co-host Brad Guigar if this should be the last time he exhibits at the show. Then, Dave and Brad discuss some new approaches to webcomic site design — particularly in regards to longform comics. BUT FIRST... What is "Drunk ComicLab" and how can you make it happen? If we get 100 ratings on iTunes, Dave and I will be cracking open bottles of Pino Noir and Laphroiag (respectively) and recording a special bonus show.Great rewards when you support ComicLab
- $2 — support the show
- $5 — submit a question for possible use on the show AND get the exclusive ProTips podcast
- $10 — record an audio question for possible use on the show AND get the exclusive ProTips podcast
- $50 — Sponsor the show! We’ll read a brief promo for your comic/product and read it twice during the show AND you get the exclusive ProTips podcast