Patreon — What they're saying
Here are some recent comments from my Patreon backers. For a slideshow of some of the best of what I'm posting for my backers, check out this (cruelly cropped) slideshow.“Looks like AA is getting seriously wet! Love me some quality Futa! Great work!”
— M.O., commenting on a NSFW commission
“The last panel took me a second, but it's another great joke.”
— M., commenting on today's Evil Inc comic.
“I always love it when you can see masked figues' eyes... Lightning Lady in particular is always striking”
— H.L., discussing a recent commission
“DropBox provides 2GB free and your content just topped that limit. I know because I have a dedicated account just for Evil Inc and it's 101% full.”
— C.R., pointing out that the monthly reward package has surpassed TWO GIGABYTES!
“Final panel, the joke... it was perfect. Just perfect.”
— M., discussing last week's Evil Inc comic
“Lol, poor Whistleblower! A great story line; loved every minute of it!”
— M.O., commenting on an Evil Inc After Dark storyline