All ComicLab backers at the $5 level and higher by Nov. 28th will get...
The How To Make Webcomics eBook (PDF)
The Webcomics Handbook eBook (PDF)
A special Patreon-exclusive episode of Drunk ComicLab!
All of that in addition to the standard $5 rewards which include...
Early access to new ComicLab episodes
Submit a question for an upcoming show
Weekly episodes of the exclusive Pro Tips podcast
Access to an indexed archive of over 200 episodes of ComicLab and ProTips
Access to the thriving community of pro and pro-am cartoonists on the ComicLab Discord server
This episode of ComicLab is sponsored by Wacom! On this week's show, the ComicLab guys are joined by MAD magazine's Tom Richmond to talk about caricature. They talk about...
Has the homogenization of Hollywood hurt caricature?
How to improve your caricatures
Listener questions...
When your imagination exceeds your abilities
How to avoid zooming in too closely on digital art
How to you encourage people to create comics?
BUT FIRST... Dave tells a story about picnicking in Ireland
Special Offer! If you become a Patreon backer at the $5 level or higher before Thanksgiving, you'll get both "How To Make Webcomics" and "The Webcomics Handbook" as easily downloaded eBooks! Plus, you'll get a new episode of Drunk ComicLab — which will be available only on Patreon!
Limited-edition ComicLab enamel pins are now available at and!
Find out when Tom Richmond will be doing a caricature workshop in your area. And check out Tom's books:
If you wondered what happened on the night of Cap and Miss Match's date, this week's Evil Inc After Dark page picks up where Evil Inc left off. Join us!