Chapter 15 | Page 5b: Mood Meteorology


Panel 1

Desdemona has noticed Tempest flirting with Iron Dragon, with whom she's in a relationship: Excuse me... I don't believe I've had the pleasure...

Panel 2

Tempest: In that get-up? It ain't for a lack of advertisin'.

Desdemona: Oh, no you didn't...

Panel 3

Tempest, conjuring a small snowflake storm that circles around Desi's head: My mistake. My name is Tempest. And yours?

Desdemona: D-d-Desdemona...

Panel 4

Tempest, conjuring winds that, likewise, swirl around the devil girl: Charmed. Was there anything else?

Desdemona: N-no... I don't t-think so...

Panel 5

Iron Dragon, furious: What did you do to her?!

Tempest, proudly: Just a little serotonin snow squall and a beta-amyloid breeze. I call it "Mood Meteorology."

Panel 6

Tempest: You'd be amazed to see what I can do with a soda-bottle-sized testosterone tornado...