Plant gossip
Mr. Howell, the werewolf, speaks with a slightly disheveled Dark Seed.
Mr. Howell: Where am I?!
Dark Seed: Why, you're here. In heaven.
Mr. Howell: This is heaven?
Dark Seed: This is my heaven. Go back to your own heaven.
Mr. Howell: You're talking in riddles!
Dark Seed: I'm sorry. I'm out of practice. The last time I spoke out loud was... well... I don't know how long it was. Most of my communication is with trees and other flora. And you know what blabbermouths they are.
Mr. Howell: This world is covered in plants!
Dark Seed: Tell me about it. I can barely get a word in edgewise. And the gossip. It never stops! ... Did you know there's a ~werewolf~ around here?!