Chapter 15 | Page 6a: The Randomizer fires!


PREVIOUSLY ON EVIL INC: The tantalizing Tempest started flirting with Iron Dragon — arousing the ire of his paramour (pair-amour?) Desi. When Tempest uses her superpower — Mood Meteorology — on the devil girl, Iron Dragon feels as if he should go to her aid.

Panel 1

Iron Dragon: I’d better go get Desi!

Tempest: She’s ok... The effects of my powers wear off pretty quickly.


Panel 2

Tempest: Besides... I don’t see a wedding ring.


Panel 3

Iron Dragon: It’s... complicated.

Tempest: I’m not. When I see what I want, I reach for it.


Panel 4

Tempest: ...But since we’re in public, I’ll reach a couple of feet higher.


Panel 5

Iron Dragon: I don’t think I should—he— OOOOP!

Iron Dragon trips backward over a chair, knocking the Randomizer off a nearby desk. The Randomizer is a gun that can transport its target to a parallel universe — completely at random — resulting in that person or object being lost forever.


Panel 6

Iron Dragon topples over and the Randomizer hits the ground, firing as a result of the impact.


Panel 7

Iron Dragon, looking in the direction of the laser blast: Ohhhhhhhhh, shit.



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