The untimely death of Drakkar Noir

Evil Inc After Dark

This has been another fantastic month on Patreon, gang. Let's see, we've been playing a game in which you're challenged to guess the superhero based on what's under their utility belts... we've had a 17-page NSFW eComic from the makers of Spinnerette called "Monster Girl Academy"... A Cape Carnival cartoon showing the results of Apple's takeover of the planet Oa... Courting Disaster... Evil Inc After Dark... NSFW commissions, and more. PLUS... over 750 NSFW comics and commissions in the archive which are available for your perusal the moment you sign up — like the EiAD story in the video above! Now more than ever, this is a great time to join us on Patreon.


This episode of ComicLab is sponsored by Wacom! In this week's show, the guys discuss all of the lessons Dave learned on his trip to Disneyland — from cool-hunting pins to branding emotions. Then a question-asker asks about the best way to transition social-media accounts. Next, Dave talks about launching his new Kickstarter. And finally, the guys talk about the "Good Ol' Days" of Webcomics — and what they'd like to bring back. BUT FIRST... Brad explains to his college students why everyone loves Snow White so much. QUESTIONS ASKED...
  • Dave talks about how Disney branded happiness
  • The Enchanted — and problematic — Tiki Room
  • Cool-hunting Disney pins
  • Garfield originals are being auctioned off by Heritage Auctions
  • Dave discovers you can change your Wacom pen nib
  • Transitioning social-media accounts
  • Dave launches a new Kickstarter
  • Which part of the "Good Ol' Days" would you bring back?
You get great rewards when you support ComicLab
  • $2 — Early access to episodes
  • $5 — Submit a question for possible use on the show AND get the exclusive ProTips podcast
  • $10 — Record an audio question for possible use on the show AND get the exclusive ProTips podcast
  • $50 — Sponsor the show! We’ll read a brief promo for your comic/product and read it twice during the show AND you get the exclusive ProTips podcast
Brad Guigar is the creator of Evil Inc and the editor of Dave Kellett is the creator of Sheldon and Drive.