Wake up
Since starting a NSFW comic series a couple years ago, I found out pretty quick that it's pretty demanding work. And I gave tremendous respect for anyone who can pull it off well. Gina Biggs is one of those people, and that's why I'm so excited to share her Kickstarter campaign for "SCORE! — Erotic Sports Comics!" (How awesome is that title, anyway??) This is an anthology by women and non-binary creators whose work can be regularly found at Filthy Figments. I mean... just LOOK at this line-up:
- Jen Hickman - Jem and the Holograms: Infinite (IDW)
- Apollo - Enokan (nsfw)
- Ariel Vittori - Little Waiting (nsfw)
- Crystal Jayme - Hazy London
- G.C. Houle - gchoule.com
- Jennie Breeden - The Devil’s Panties
- Megan Rose Gedris - Rosalarian.com
- Michelle Parker & Jey Pawlick - Dead City
- Rica March - PoppyApples.net
- Tsukiyono - Fine Sometimes Rain
- H.Pueyo & Dante L.
- OliveOilCorp - Alone
- S.W. Searle & Kecky - Swinsea.com
- Booba
- Gina Biggs - Love Not Found
- Cari Corene & Amanda Coronado - Story of the Door
- Niki Smith - Crossplay (Iron Circus)
- Natasha Ringor - Si Janus Silang at ang Tiyanak ng Tabon
I'm a proud backer, and I strongly encourage you to give it a look!
ON KICKSTARTER: http://kck.st/2NoHvD9
ON TWITTER: https://t.co/BKHoFTCs6l
ON TUMBLR: http://filthyfigments.tumblr.c om/post/175513937410/ff-launch es-score-a-brand-new-comic-ant hology
ON FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/ FilthyFigments/
Click on any of the slideshow image to see them full-sized!
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