Werewolf Rebellion, Part Two
If you've ever wondered if I gestured wildly like a crazy person when I talk, here's your chance to find out! I was delighted to talk to Barney Smith about comics, crowdfunding, and the future!
A werewolf walks up to a long line of werewolves.
An Off-Panel voice yells: MAKE WAY FOR THE WOUNDED!
Three wounded werewolves stumble across the foreground. The each have plastic dog collars a veterinarian would give a wounded dog to prevent it from licking its wounds
Wounded Werewolf A: Dude… you OK?
Wounded Werewolf B: Yeah. The kid got in a lucky shot. HE DISTRACTED ME!
Wounded Werewolf C: For what it’s worth, it really DID look like he threw the ball!
The scene returns to the two werewolves from the earlier update.
Werewolf A: I don’t wanna get injured. It’s bad enough MY MARRIAGE is falling apart.
Werewolf B: Mine, too.
Werewolf A: My wife has some pretty outdated prejudices about werewolves. What does YOUR wife have?
Werewolf B (looking miserable): …silver fillings
The scene widens. A port-a-john is seen in the background.
Werewolf B: Oh, it looks like I’m next. Nice talking to you.
The port-a-john opens to show a fire hydrant inside.