Chapter 15 | Page 6b: “You’re all fired!”


PREVIOUSLY ON EVIL INC: Trying to evade the romantic advances of the tantalizing Tempest, Iron Dragon trips backward over a chair, knocking the Randomizer off a nearby desk. The Randomizer is a gun that can transport its target to a parallel universe — completely at random — resulting in that person or object being lost forever. The weapon falls to the ground and fires as a result of the impact.

Panel 1

The employees of the Fairmount branch of Evil Inc gather around a smoldering mark on the carpet that looks strangely like the silhouette of outstretched tentacles.

Count Spurlock: Wha—WHAT HAPPENED?!

Dr. Whoosh, dazed: We were just finishing signing the papers... We were gonna take the office out to lunch.

Miss Match: But where’s Krakenos?!

Iron Dragon: He’s been RANDOMIZED.


Panel 2

Dr. Whoosh: OK, everyone, don’t panic. The company has a contingency plan for situations like this.


Panel 3



Parting shot

It was a hot July!

- Brad Guigar

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