Convention planning

Convention planning

I know… I know… I’m not even into the heart of the convention season yet and already I’m planning appearances for 2008. But let’s face it, I’ll have three new books out by then — the third Evil Inc graphic novel, the second Courting Disaster collection and the first Phables book. — so it’s going to be a big year.

Having installed Google Analytics on my Web site, I’m seeing some large pockets of readers that I’ve been previously unaware of. The largest of these is in Texas. I’ve charted 13,100 visitors from the Lonestar State. That’s second only to California (22,154). In Texas, I’m seeing three focal points: Dallas, Houston, and Austin.

I have two questions for Texan fans: (1) Which convention would you like me to try to attend next year? (2) If you live in one of those areas, would you travel to one of the other two spots for a con appearance?

Next on the list is Chicago. I had a fantastic time at Wizard World Chicago a couple years ago and I’ve been desperate to get back ever since. I’ve had to back down two years running now. I’m going to try very, very hard to make a Windy City stop next year.

Here’s another surprise: Atlanta fans! How sweet! I exhibited at Dragon-Con many years ago — back when I was publishing Greystone Inn books through Plan Nine Publishing. It’s a phenomenal con, but I’m not convinced it’s my crowd. Is there another Atlanta-area convention I’m unaware of? Would you come to see me at Dragon-Con?

The other large concentrations of readers — in Washington, California, New York and Pennsylvania — have been targets of previous convention appearances, and I’ll be trying very hard to make it back to most of them next year, too. So those of you who are planning trips to Emerald City Comic Con, Comic Con International, New York Comic Con and Wizard World Philly can rest assured that I’m already trying hard to come back to those cons next year.