Evil Inc Fan Club

Henchmen, Lackeys, Thugs & Goons: The Evil Inc Fan Club

I’ve become a big fan of Facebook.com, so I’ve decided that it’s the perfect place to host the Evil Inc Fan Club “Henchmen, Lackeys, Thugs & Goons.” Go on over and sign up. You can get behind-the-scenes information about the strip as well as updates on my other comics like Courting Disaster and Phables.

This is the place to host discussions that I can’t have on the public site, for example, spoilers and top secret developments. You will be able to see early versions of upcoming book covers, advise me on convention appearances, and participate in all sorts of secret missions.

Of course, I’m still maintaining my MySpace page. This will continue to serve as a blog mirror and an alert network for all of my comics projects.