Chapter 16 | Page 7a: The Ballad of Spider Mackenzie


Evil Inc, March 11, 2025

Panel 1

(Matt the Henchman and Angus the Minotaur are sitting at a bar. Angus is holding a phone, while matt has a drink in front of him. Angus' phone buzzes with a "boop boop" sound.)

Angus: "ACH! I'm sorry, mate! Duty calls! I'm workin' a gig with The Lethal Librarian!"

Panel 2

Matt (narration panel): "You got picked by the Dewey Decimator?! I'm jealous! I love her tagline!"

Lethal Librarian (a stylish woman with green glasses, a green blazer, and a stern expression, stands pointing.): "You're OVERDUE!"

Panel 3

Angus: "Between you and me, I actually picked her!"
Matt (excitedly): "Geez Louise! How many henches get to pick their own assignments?!"

Panel 4

(Angus smirks while Matt looks on, intrigued.)

Angus: "Only two henches have top-level clearance to access the Master Job Board at Evil Inc...
Angus: "Me, and Spider Mackenzie."

Off-panel voice: "Spider Mackenzie?! He died in that Land Piranha Incident!"

Panel 5

(Matt leans in, skeptical.)

Angus: "Are you sure?!"

Panel 6

(A skeleton, covered in small green piranha-like creatures, sits eerily still.)

Spider: "Oh, I'm certain."



Pulse’s Ben Towle posted an excellent look at someone TWIV recently identified as a villain on the rise: MODOK. Seems our big-headed buddy is all of the Marvel Universe these days. Ben tells us why.

[PULSE] Ten years ago, if you’d asked your average fanboy who M.O.D.O.K. was, you’d have been met with a blank stare, but these days you can’t swing a dead cat in your local comics shop without hitting some kind of M.O.D.O.K.ery. This once obscure Marvel villain, spawn of Jack Kirby and Stan Lee from a 1967 issue of Tales of Suspense, is now the cock of the walk in the Marvel universe, featured in the recent All-M.O.D.O.K. Ultimate Avengers issue, in which the entire Avengers team become “M.O.D.O.K.s�; starring in his own miniseries, M.O.D.O.K.’s Eleven; getting off one of the bawdiest gags in Marvel’s history in their recent holiday special; and even appearing as a Marvel Legends “build-a-figure,� available only as a piece-by-piece collectable, packed in, one appendage at a time, with other figures. Read the whole thing.