Evil Inc, March 11, 2025
Panel 1
(Matt the Henchman and Angus the Minotaur are sitting at a bar. Angus is holding a phone, while matt has a drink in front of him. Angus' phone buzzes with a "boop boop" sound.)
Angus: "ACH! I'm sorry, mate! Duty calls! I'm workin' a gig with The Lethal Librarian!"
Panel 2
Matt (narration panel): "You got picked by the Dewey Decimator?! I'm jealous! I love her tagline!"
Lethal Librarian (a stylish woman with green glasses, a green blazer, and a stern expression, stands pointing.): "You're OVERDUE!"
Panel 3
Angus: "Between you and me, I actually picked her!"
Matt (excitedly): "Geez Louise! How many henches get to pick their own assignments?!"
Panel 4
(Angus smirks while Matt looks on, intrigued.)
Angus: "Only two henches have top-level clearance to access the Master Job Board at Evil Inc...
Angus: "Me, and Spider Mackenzie."
Off-panel voice: "Spider Mackenzie?! He died in that Land Piranha Incident!"
Panel 5
(Matt leans in, skeptical.)
Angus: "Are you sure?!"
Panel 6
(A skeleton, covered in small green piranha-like creatures, sits eerily still.)
Spider: "Oh, I'm certain."

Ben Towle posted an excellent look at someone
TWIV recently identified as a villain on the rise: MODOK. Seems our big-headed buddy is all of the Marvel Universe these days. Ben tells us why.
Ten years ago, if you’d asked your average fanboy who M.O.D.O.K. was, you’d have been met with a blank stare, but these days you can’t swing a dead cat in your local comics shop without hitting some kind of M.O.D.O.K.ery. This once obscure Marvel villain, spawn of Jack Kirby and Stan Lee from a 1967 issue of Tales of Suspense, is now the cock of the walk in the Marvel universe, featured in the recent All-M.O.D.O.K. Ultimate Avengers issue, in which the entire Avengers team become “M.O.D.O.K.s�; starring in his own miniseries, M.O.D.O.K.’s Eleven; getting off one of the bawdiest gags in Marvel’s history in their recent holiday special; and even appearing as a Marvel Legends “build-a-figure,� available only as a piece-by-piece collectable, packed in, one appendage at a time, with other figures. Read the whole thing.