Chapter 16 | Page 5b: Drum beat

The Evil Inc villains think their new manager, Cassie Cruz, has been leaking information to the superheroes, and they’re out to get her. But Cassie has a plan to clear her name.


Panel 1
(Jeremy is placing a cobra inside a cabinet.)
Jeremy: These assassination attempts are getting worse.

(Cassie Cruz, adjusting her glasses, speaks confidently.)
Cassie: I've been thinking...
We have multiple projects coming through different departments.

Panel 2
(Jeremy and Cassie stand facing each other, arms crossed, discussing a plan.)
Cassie: We can plant one lie in each employee's case files.

Panel 3
(Cassie smirks as she explains the trap further.)
Cassie: If we see the heroes act on one of the lies...
We'll know which worker leaked the information.

Panel 4
(Jeremy, hands on his face in amazement, praises Cassie, who looks pleased.)
Jeremy: That... that was masterful!
Cassie: Thank you. I'm feeling quite full of myself.

Panel 5
(Cassie tugs on Jeremy's tie, giving him a flirty look.)
Cassie: Speaking of which...

Panel 6
(A cobra and the sentient coffee creature are in the cabinet, now commenting on the situation. The coffee, spilling out of a mug, is using a glass to eavesdrop.)
Cobra: Do you think they'll start playing the clarinet again?
Coffee: I dunno... sounds like they switched to percussion...

TWIV: April 9-14

This Week in Villainy: April 9-14, 2007

Who’s Up and Who’s Thwarted

Chang Tzu: Chang Tzu (a/k/a Egg Fu) gets destroyed by Dr. Will Magnus and his Metal-Men bullets in 52 #49. …And all the King’s horses, and all the King’s Men…

The issue also holds an astounding revelation about Chang Tzu. It turns out there’s a nefarious purpose behind his involvement in Oolong Island and the recent dismantling of Black Adam’s mental state. Mwa ha ha…

(If you have a suggestion for “This Week In Villainy,” please let me know.)