Chapter 16 | Page 5b: Drum beat

The Evil Inc villains think their new manager, Cassie Cruz, has been leaking information to the superheroes, and they’re out to get her. But Cassie has a plan to clear her name.


Panel 1
(Jeremy is placing a cobra inside a cabinet.)
Jeremy: These assassination attempts are getting worse.

(Cassie Cruz, adjusting her glasses, speaks confidently.)
Cassie: I've been thinking...
We have multiple projects coming through different departments.

Panel 2
(Jeremy and Cassie stand facing each other, arms crossed, discussing a plan.)
Cassie: We can plant one lie in each employee's case files.

Panel 3
(Cassie smirks as she explains the trap further.)
Cassie: If we see the heroes act on one of the lies...
We'll know which worker leaked the information.

Panel 4
(Jeremy, hands on his face in amazement, praises Cassie, who looks pleased.)
Jeremy: That... that was masterful!
Cassie: Thank you. I'm feeling quite full of myself.

Panel 5
(Cassie tugs on Jeremy's tie, giving him a flirty look.)
Cassie: Speaking of which...

Panel 6
(A cobra and the sentient coffee creature are in the cabinet, now commenting on the situation. The coffee, spilling out of a mug, is using a glass to eavesdrop.)
Cobra: Do you think they'll start playing the clarinet again?
Coffee: I dunno... sounds like they switched to percussion...

ECCC Reviews

Emerald City Comic Con — Wrap-up

I’m still hearing from people I met at Emerald City, and I’m still reading reviews of the convention. This really is the little con that could. 🙂

One of the highlights of going to Seattle was meeting Erik Kjerland, who is the creator of Action Figure Comics. Erik was the presentor for the Superhero category of the 2006 Webcartoonists’ Choice Awards — through which he learned of Evil Inc.

Erik was nice enough to stop by the Blank Label Comics booth and chat for a while. He’s clearly an astute cartoonist and an empassioned creator.

He commissioned a sketch of Vayla, a sexy elf in his comic. The sketch can be seen here. I think I made her alluring to an appropriate degree. 🙂

Meanwhile, people are still posting about Emerald City.

From CBR:

The ECCC (taking place in Seattle) is now in its fifth year of existence, and it celebrated this fact by breaking its own attendance record with over 7000 individual attendees. When compared to some of the larger cons, this number may sound on the small side. However, fans and guests agree that the energy and excitement felt at ECCC is possibly even greater than that of the country’s largest convention. Organizer Jim Demonakos, who puts the event on with the help of Brian Meredith, George Demonakos and Chris Rangel, was extremely pleased with what he saw this weekend. Read the entire post.

Silver Bullet has a very good review as well.

And, of course, some photos.

My neighbor-across-the-aisle at Emerald City, Comics Fairplay, has a fantastic list of more reviews and blog posts.

Finally, I know darned well that I’m not a particularly photogenic guy, but it’s painful — painful to have such conclusive proof.