Chapter 16 | Page 3a: A Strong Cup of Coffee


Evil Inc – February 11, 2025
by Brad J. Guigar

Panel 1

(Caption: "The next morning…")
Cassie Cruz: Close the door behind you, Jeremy…

Panel 2

Cassie Cruz: For the past few weeks, it seems as if the superheroes have been using inside information to thwart our clients.

Panel 3

Jeremy: I’ve heard. We may have a mole.

Panel 4

Cassie Cruz: The employees think it’s me!
And they’re mad as hell!

Panel 5

Jeremy: That’s ridiculous.
This very morning, Desi wanted to bring you a hot cup of coffee as soon as you got to the office!
She even asked how you take it.

Panel 6

Jeremy: Did she make it strong enough?

Panel 7
Cassie Cruz:  I dunno… Let’s ask it.

(Cassie lifts an overturned bucket on her desk, revealing a coffee cup where the coffee has turned into a monstrous creature, growling and snapping.)

(Sound effects: "RAWR", "ARGH", "SMASH", "SNAP")

Footer: © 2025 Brad J. Guigar. All rights reserved.

For Better or For Worse… Not Retiring After All

‘For Better or For Worse’… Not Retiring After All

Here’s some pretty amazing news….

[E&P] Millions of readers will breathe a partial sigh of relief when they learn that Lynn Johnston won’t completely end “For Better or For Worse” around the time it turns 28 this September. Instead, the strip will continue as an old/new hybrid that has little precedent in cartoon history.

“I’ll be flying by the seat of my eraser,” joked Johnston, whose comic is one of only five with more than 2,000 newspapers. Details were still being worked out when Johnston spoke to E&P, but it’s possible the hybrid “FBorFW” will focus a lot on Michael Patterson and his family, who are about the same ages Elly Patterson and her family were when the comic started in 1979. Elly is the mother of Michael, who was a little boy in the early days of “FBorFW.”

Read the whole story.

Alan Gardner, of the Daily Cartoonist, summed up my feelings very well:

…I’m a bit worried about the execution of feature. As much as I’d miss the Patterson family – and I truly would, I was also happy to know that Lynn was going to end the strip so that it doesn’t turn into a tired ol’ legacy strip and to have 2,000+ openings for other features to grow would have been exciting. I guess I’ll have to see what the feature will look like before passing such grim opinion.

Read the Daily Cartoonist’s full take on the news — as well as Tom Spurgeon’s reaction in the Comics Reporter.