Chapter 16 | Page 3a: A Strong Cup of Coffee


Evil Inc – February 11, 2025
by Brad J. Guigar

Panel 1

(Caption: "The next morning…")
Cassie Cruz: Close the door behind you, Jeremy…

Panel 2

Cassie Cruz: For the past few weeks, it seems as if the superheroes have been using inside information to thwart our clients.

Panel 3

Jeremy: I’ve heard. We may have a mole.

Panel 4

Cassie Cruz: The employees think it’s me!
And they’re mad as hell!

Panel 5

Jeremy: That’s ridiculous.
This very morning, Desi wanted to bring you a hot cup of coffee as soon as you got to the office!
She even asked how you take it.

Panel 6

Jeremy: Did she make it strong enough?

Panel 7
Cassie Cruz:  I dunno… Let’s ask it.

(Cassie lifts an overturned bucket on her desk, revealing a coffee cup where the coffee has turned into a monstrous creature, growling and snapping.)

(Sound effects: "RAWR", "ARGH", "SMASH", "SNAP")

Footer: © 2025 Brad J. Guigar. All rights reserved.

Syndicate Bingo

Syndicate Bingo

[E&P] A comic creator is playing bingo with his syndicate submissions. reported that Aaron Johnson sent his “What the Duck” strip last Thursday to Creators Syndicate, King Features Syndicate, Tribune Media Services, United Media, Universal Press Syndicate, and the Washington Post Writers Group.

Then Johnson created a bingo board — which can be seen here — listing the six syndicates and six possible responses: “Love it,” “Form letter,” “Try again,” “It’s no ‘Garfield,'” “Hate it,” and “Kill yourself.” (Obviously, Johnson took at least one humorous liberty.)

Cartoonists can wait anywhere from days to weeks to months to get a syndicate response, so the bingo board might not be filled for a while.

To which, I can only say this.

Click here for the full E&P story.