Evil Inc – February 11, 2025
by Brad J. Guigar
Panel 1
(Caption: "The next morning…")
Cassie Cruz: Close the door behind you, Jeremy…
Panel 2
Cassie Cruz: For the past few weeks, it seems as if the superheroes have been using inside information to thwart our clients.
Panel 3
Jeremy: I’ve heard. We may have a mole.
Panel 4
Cassie Cruz: The employees think it’s me!
And they’re mad as hell!
Panel 5
Jeremy: That’s ridiculous.
This very morning, Desi wanted to bring you a hot cup of coffee as soon as you got to the office!
She even asked how you take it.
Panel 6
Jeremy: Did she make it strong enough?
Panel 7
Cassie Cruz: I dunno… Let’s ask it.
(Cassie lifts an overturned bucket on her desk, revealing a coffee cup where the coffee has turned into a monstrous creature, growling and snapping.)
(Sound effects: "RAWR", "ARGH", "SMASH", "SNAP")
Footer: © 2025 Brad J. Guigar. All rights reserved.
Cartoon Archives: Christmas 1991
Here’s another project I’ve been batting around that I’d like some feedback on. See, I’ve been cartooning professionally since about 1991, and I’ve got a huge archive of cartoons that haven’t seen the light of day for years. Most of them are editorial/politcal cartoons from the time I worked at
The Repository in Canton, Ohio. Others are spot illustrations I did over my 15-year career in newspapers. Some of them are going to need a little explanation because they deal with current events that are over a decade old. Others, like the one at the upper left, are as funny today as they were then. Which is a shame.
But the question remains: Is it worth my time to scan these in and present them to you in some format?