Chapter 16 | Page 6b: Suffer in silence


[Panel 1] (At a nearby watering hole...)
Matt the Henchman: I don’t get it! You’re the highest-ranked hench in the biz! What’s got you down?!

[Panel 2] (Argus the Minotaur sighs, sitting at the bar with Matt, drinking beer.)
Argus the Minotaur: sigh I used to hench with a woman. She was… amazing.

[Panel 3] (Flashback of Argus thinking about the past.)
Argus the Minotaur (narration): I couldn’t bring myself to tell her how I felt about her because it woulda wrecked our working relationship.

[Panel 4] (Flashback continues.)
Argus the Minotaur (narration): When she got promoted, I left henching and just… kicked around for a while.

[Panel 5] (Another flashback, showing Argus sneakily capturing Lightning Lady from behind.)
Argus the Minotaur (narration): After years of trying to forget her, I decided to give it one more try.

[Panel 6] (Argus and Lightning Lady sit next to each other, playing video games.)
Argus the Minotaur (narration): Now I’m back where I started. I’m henching again, and she’s close enough to touch, but too far to hold.
*Caption: After a brief stint at the Silver Agency.

[Panel 7] (Back at the bar, Matt looks at Argus.)
Matt the Henchman: So… what? You’re just gonna suffer in silence?

[Panel 8] (Argus grins sadly.)
Argus the Minotaur: Trust me. You do not want to hear a minotaur suffer out loud.

15 Min Max: Shovel Knight

15-Min-Max-logo_smallBe sure to visit our Patreon page! ( ) So, early on Easter morning, the Easter Bunny found Max’s 3Ds and downloaded a game to it — Shovel Knight by Yacht Club Games. And the 9yo podcast legend is entranced. He does a top-down review of the game and shares some strategy along the way. You can find this game on the Nintendo Store on your 3DS, and it’s also available for the WiiU, Mac and PC. WUP-N_WKNE_Miiverse_Banner_2-360x151Support us on Patreon — the money will be sent to an account earmarked for the boys’ education. Subscribe to us on iTunes — and please take some time to rate the show and leave a friendly comment! That’s gonna help us climb the iTunes charts!  Follow us on Evil Inc. Don’t like iTunes? No problem-o. Just follow this feed and you’ll get every update as it happens. Follow us on Blubrry — another iTunes alternative with great programming for you to enjoy. Discover it today! Follow us on Stitcher — yet another way to get the podcast. As always, thanks to the U.S. Army Blues Band for our theme music!