Chapter 16 | Page 9b: The plot thickens!


Evil Inc comic (March 27, 2025):

Panel 1: (In a kitchen, Angus the Minotaur is cooking breakfast while Alternate-Universe Lightning Lady stands nearby in a t-shirt.)
Angus: "Morning, sleepyhead! How do you like your eggs?"
Alternate-Universe Lightning Lady: "Same as last night... Scrambled."

Panel 2: (Angus and Alternate-Universe Lightning Lady are standing close together, looking serious.)
Alternate-Universe Lightning Lady: "We should probably talk about last night."
Alternate-Universe Lightning Lady: "Yeah... I'll pitch in for a new dining room table."

Panel 3: Angus: "It's not that. I want to make sure you’re all right with... everything..."
Alternate-Universe Lightning Lady: "Angus, I..."

Panel 4: (The doorbell rings, and Alternate-Universe Lightning Lady looks surprised while Angus sighs.)
Alternate-Universe Lightning Lady: "Who could THAT be??"
Angus: "(Sigh) Probably the neighbor... I have a feeling we broke more than furniture last night..."

Panel 5: (Angus opens the door, speaking to someone outside.)
Angus: "Listen, lady... If this is about your Hummels, I’m afraid..."

Panel 6: (Standing in the doorway is Lightning Lady, dressed in a revealing superhero costume with blue gloves and a lightning bolt emblem on her chest—revealing that the woman inside with Angus is an alternate version of HER.)
Angus (staring in shock): "I'm afraid... I'm afraid..."

The second Sheldon book is here

The second Sheldon book is here

From the Sheldon blog: THE BOOKS ARE HERE! And good Lord ‘n Butter, they look fantastic. I’ve always made it a priority that the Sheldon books look and feel awesome, and I was really happy with how Pure Ducky Goodness turned out. But I’ve gotta be honest: The Good, The Bad & The Pugly blows it out of the water. The cover stock is nicer, the inside pages are nicer, and the strips themselves reprint with such clarity that, as an artist, I couldn’t be happier. You’ll be very impressed when your copy arrives.

Dave Kellett is a man on top of his game. Reading one of his comic strips is fun. Reading a bookfull and getting into his rhthym — immersing yourself into his world — is an absolute joy. Dave’s writing has time-stopping powers. You will literally look up from his book after turning the last page and wonder where the last couple hours went.

Get thee hither to the Sheldon Store and order yours today.