Chapter 16 | Page 8a: Special delivery


Evil Inc – March 18, 2025
by Brad J. Guigar

[Panel 1]
(Caption: A few nights later, Angus checks in with his employer, the Lethal Librarian.)
Angus: Yes, ma’am, I’m nearly finished stocking the safehouse.

[Panel 2]
Angus (on the phone): You didn’t warn me about Mrs. Elliot. She thinks I’m a cow!
She keeps insisting I leave quarts of milk on her front stoop.

[Panel 3]
(Close-up of the Lethal Librarian on the phone, looking incredulous.)
Lethal Librarian: That’s ridiculous! You don’t have udders!

[Panel 4]
(Caption: "There was only one way to make her stop.")
(Angus is seen sneaking up Mrs. Elliot’s stairs at night, placing bottles of white liquid on her doorstep.)

[Panel 5]
(Lethal Librarian, shocked on the phone.)
Lethal Librarian: Great Gutenberg’s ghost! You didn’t!
Angus: I didn’t… but I’m putting her dairy bill on your account.
(Angus is in the kitchen, pouring milk into bottles.)

[Panel 6]
(Sound effect: knock knock*)
Angus (on phone): I’ll call you back.
(He turns toward the door.)
Angus: Someone’s at the door.

[Panel 7]
(Angus answers the door to see Lightning Lady standing outside.)

Lightning Lady: You’ll never believe what your neighbor asked me to do…

PhilCon 2006 Con Report

PhilCon 2006 Con Report

PhilCon was my last convention appearance of the year and I can definitely say I went out on a high note. As you may remember from an earlier post, I was a little hesitant about this convention. However, once I got there, I realized that I had lucked into a very nice convention thrown by excellent people. One of the organizers even came over to make sure I didn’t have any hard feelings about their guest policy. One of the many people who came up to say hello and peruse through the books was Mark Sachs (above, right) who illustrates A Miracle of Science.

One of the highlights of the weekend for me was when I was first setting up my table. A woman selling clothing at an adjacent booth was talking with me as I unfurled my vertical banner — which features the illustration of Miss Match from the first Evil Inc Annual Report. She took a sidelong glance at the illustration and said, “Oh. You should be next to Frank.”

“Frank?” I asked.

“Yeah,” she continued matter-of-factly, “He has all the porn.”

I gamely explained that this was a newspaper comic strip that didn’t really qualify as “porn,” but my heart wasn’t in it.

My mind was still boggling over Frank.

I mean, geez. How hard did he have to work to get all the porn?

And where does he keep it? He’d need an entire warehouse of beds to stash it all under, wouldn’t he?

Sensing I’ve gone too far, I’ll turn to Super-Fan Veronica who you can see holding the proof copy of Evil Inc Annual Report Volume 2. Her cousin, Tim, took the photo. He says he has mathematical proof that women are evil.

Now that’s applied mathematics.

I will be finalizing the ISBN/bar code issues this week, but if that stuff’s not important to you, you can buy Evil Inc Annual Report Volume 2 today.