Chapter 16 | Page 8a: Special delivery


Evil Inc – March 18, 2025
by Brad J. Guigar

[Panel 1]
(Caption: A few nights later, Angus checks in with his employer, the Lethal Librarian.)
Angus: Yes, ma’am, I’m nearly finished stocking the safehouse.

[Panel 2]
Angus (on the phone): You didn’t warn me about Mrs. Elliot. She thinks I’m a cow!
She keeps insisting I leave quarts of milk on her front stoop.

[Panel 3]
(Close-up of the Lethal Librarian on the phone, looking incredulous.)
Lethal Librarian: That’s ridiculous! You don’t have udders!

[Panel 4]
(Caption: "There was only one way to make her stop.")
(Angus is seen sneaking up Mrs. Elliot’s stairs at night, placing bottles of white liquid on her doorstep.)

[Panel 5]
(Lethal Librarian, shocked on the phone.)
Lethal Librarian: Great Gutenberg’s ghost! You didn’t!
Angus: I didn’t… but I’m putting her dairy bill on your account.
(Angus is in the kitchen, pouring milk into bottles.)

[Panel 6]
(Sound effect: knock knock*)
Angus (on phone): I’ll call you back.
(He turns toward the door.)
Angus: Someone’s at the door.

[Panel 7]
(Angus answers the door to see Lightning Lady standing outside.)

Lightning Lady: You’ll never believe what your neighbor asked me to do…

Lucy More Needs Less

Lucy More Needs Less

With holiday gift-giving season upon us, I want to call your attention to one of the best children’s books I’ve ever read. It’s a fantasic book about rampant consumerism and the perils of trying to buy happiness.

It’s not carried by a major publisher because the author is not a celebrity. Thank goodness for Lulu.

Lucy More Needs Less examines the ethics of simplicity and moderation, but to a young reader, it is also a lively tale of a preposterously overindulgent family. Seven-year-old Lucy More wants to play with her best friend, Mimi, but is stymied by her inability to find what she needs in the great towers of playthings in and around her house. Her loving parents “cure� her frustration by buying her new toys every day, which makes the towers — and her frustration— grow. Lucy’s wealth of toys eventually proves disastrous, and it is Mimi who shows the More family that the solution to every problem is not found in the marketplace.

It’s written and illustrated by a co-worker of mine, a talented, award-winning graphic artist. You’re gonna fall in love with the illustrations. You’re gonna appreciate the moral of the story as you read it to your kids. You’re gonna feel like you did the first time you read a Dr. Seuss book.

If you’re in the market for a children’s book — and if you care about the message as well as the story — you’ve got to give this book a try. Do I even need to mention it’s available through Lulu, the font of all good things published? It’s called Lucy More Needs Less. Here’s a preview.