Chapter 16 | Page 8a: Special delivery


Evil Inc – March 18, 2025
by Brad J. Guigar

[Panel 1]
(Caption: A few nights later, Angus checks in with his employer, the Lethal Librarian.)
Angus: Yes, ma’am, I’m nearly finished stocking the safehouse.

[Panel 2]
Angus (on the phone): You didn’t warn me about Mrs. Elliot. She thinks I’m a cow!
She keeps insisting I leave quarts of milk on her front stoop.

[Panel 3]
(Close-up of the Lethal Librarian on the phone, looking incredulous.)
Lethal Librarian: That’s ridiculous! You don’t have udders!

[Panel 4]
(Caption: "There was only one way to make her stop.")
(Angus is seen sneaking up Mrs. Elliot’s stairs at night, placing bottles of white liquid on her doorstep.)

[Panel 5]
(Lethal Librarian, shocked on the phone.)
Lethal Librarian: Great Gutenberg’s ghost! You didn’t!
Angus: I didn’t… but I’m putting her dairy bill on your account.
(Angus is in the kitchen, pouring milk into bottles.)

[Panel 6]
(Sound effect: knock knock*)
Angus (on phone): I’ll call you back.
(He turns toward the door.)
Angus: Someone’s at the door.

[Panel 7]
(Angus answers the door to see Lightning Lady standing outside.)

Lightning Lady: You’ll never believe what your neighbor asked me to do…

EIv2 Preview

Evil Inc Annual Report Volume Two

Last week, I threw the doors open to the masses who have been hungering for the second installment of Evil Inc Annual Report. If you’re not a hungering mass, here’s the deal: Annual Report is a graphic novelization of the daily comic strip.

It is not simply a collection of the daily comics.

I take the individual panels and lay out a graphic novel. Since I write a continuous storyline, the book reads seamlessly from cover to cover. I include a narration that moves the story along with background and plot points that are not available anywhere else.

I promised a preview and here it is. Once you’ve checked it out, be sure to head over to and buy your copy today.

This book does not yet have an ISBN or car code. The back cover will have a white square where the bar code will eventually go. If that matters to you, wait just a short time, I’ll have those issues solved in a few days. I’ll be posted a heads-up when that happens.