VILF shirt contest: Deadline Nov. 1
Word to the wise: If you want to win over $100 in Evil Swag, you may want to enter this contest. The list of contestants is very short.Very. 🙂
Send me a photo of you or someone else wearing the VILF shirt. Make it as funny or sexy or exciting as you possibly can. I’ll choose the top three and put them up for a vote. The winning photo will be used in advertising and promoting the VILF shirt. So don’t submit a photo that you wouldn’t want to see distributed.
The winner will received a gift package including:
* Evil Inc Annual Report, vol 1
* Evil Inc Annual Report, vol 2 (as soon as it comes out)
* Best of Greystone Inn: Lightning Lady
* Best of Greystone Inn: Prodromal Teeth
* 2 Matted prints (b&w). Your choice of any two comics from Greystone or Evil Inc
* Original convention sketch of Miss Match from Baltimore Comic Con 2006
* Sponsorship button free for one month
That’s over $100 worth of swag, my friends.
E-mail your submission to me at bguigar (at) yahoo (dot) com
Deadline: November 1.