The New Schlock Storefront
Big news from Howard Tayler’s blog:If you live anywhere in North America, pre-orders for Schlock Mercenary: The Blackness Between will open on Tuesday morning. We’re throwing the switch at 8 a.m. Mountain Daylight Time, which is Coordinated Universal Time -6 hours, or 2 p.m. GMT. (This means that for pretty much the rest of the world, pre-orders open in the afternoon or evening.)
This is only important if you’re planning on ordering a Sketch Edition. Those orders will open at 2 p.m. GMT on Tuesday and close at 2 p.m. GMT on Wednesday. You will have 24 hours to order one, at which point the only way to get me to sketch in your book is to catch up with me at a convention.
So… set your alarm clocks, or take whatever steps are necessary to ensure that you don’t accidentally sleep through the entire sketch-edition ordering window. And if you DON’T want a sketch edition, well… you’ll have about 4 weeks of pre-ordering “plain old signed books� before we close the system and prepare for shipment.
You heard the man. Now get going!