
Everything Cartooning Book

Everything Cartooning Book

When I mentioned my appearance ot the Buckeye Book Fair in November, I heard from a number of readers who hadn’t heard of my how-to book, The Everything Cartooning Book.

The Everything Cartooning Book is a 305-page, text-heavy tutorial that covers cartooning from the raw basics all the way to self-publishing and freelance basics. It can be found in most bookstores like Barnes & Noble and Borders. To say that I’m proud of the book is an understatement.

Unlike most cartooning books, this one doesn’t spend a lot of space on showing you drawings; it explains how to get those drawings done and done well.

Plus, there are entire chapters that go into depth on editorial cartooning, comic strips, single-panel strips, anthromorphic comics, character design, expression, and several other topics.

And it has a chapter that you won’t find in any other cartooning book that I know of — how to write humor. Of course, there’s no formula for humor, but there are some strategies you can follow to write jokes and improve the gags you’ve written.