O’ ‘Deer
Please welcome the newest sponsor, O’ ‘Deer. Experience the crazy antics and mischievous adventures of a group of partying friends during their off season at the North Pole. Follow Don, Rudy, Cupid, and Basie as they tackle the problems of their daily lives with an infusion of music, beer and friends.They’re not the eight tiny reindeer you grew up with.
Joseph “Groovi” Grevelli has been perfecting his daily comic since 2003. His kind of comic is the kind that is particularly close to my heart. He takes a bizarre concept — what do Santa’s reindeers do the other 364 days of the year — and uses it as a base to tell funny stories. It’s not about reindeer. It’s not about Christmas. It’s not about the North Pole.
It’s about the funny.