Baltimore Comic Con Report
My appearance at the Baltimore Comic Con this past weekend was a tremendous success! A big thanks to all of you who came out to say hi! I did a whole truckload of convention sketches and sold lots of books. The Evil Inc Annual Report vol 1 was so popular that I’ve gotten renewed determination to get that next volume out!I had the VILF shirts out there, too, and they got a lot of attention. 🙂
Saturday was fun. Early in the show, the fire alarm went off and they evacuated the convention center. That put the comics fans and the telecom convention on the other side of the hall out on the street. It was quite a culture clash. But that was cleared up relatively quickly. Before long we were back in and doing well.
I didn’t have great table placement. If you remember, I was originally placed at Table 69 and then moved to Table 3. Table 3 was waaay over in the corner facing the rear of a toy store. There was little foot traffic. Table 69, however, was right in a main pathway. However, I’m not complaining because I still had a good weekend. I’ve already re-upped for next year, so maybe I’ll get a little better placement as a returning exhibitor.

Likewise, I sold a book to a couple on Saturday and they came back the next day — having read it overnight — with rave reviews. Too cool. 🙂
Sunday was a great day, too. I talked to Scott and heard that the Harvey Awards were pretty poorly attended. You can probably still see his post about it on his site. I was awfully sorry to hear that. I can’t imagine an awards presentation in which no one had shown up to accept their awards.
Finally, here’s a little recap of the news and reviews from the con:
Marvel’s announcements include the return of “Thor.”
The Baltimore Sun’s review.
The Cup O’ Joe (Quesada) panel.
The DC Nation panel.