Chapter 16 | Page 1b: Low Blow

Transcript for the January 23, 2025, Evil Inc comic by Brad Guigar:

Panel 1:
Hana Takahashi interviews Captain Heroic in a TV studio, with the headline "When Mimes Attack" visible in the background.
Hana: "That was the scene earlier today, as the Anti-Voxxer hijacked our studio!"

Panel 2:
Hana: "Captain Heroic... can you describe what happened?"
Captain Heroic: "Sure!"

Panel 3:
A close-up of Captain Heroic explaining while a flashback image of the Anti-Voxxer is shown.
Captain Heroic: "This villain can silence anyone in a 25,000-foot radius and manifest invisible walls and imaginary winds—among other things."

Panel 4:
A flashback panel shows the Anti-Voxxer getting taken out by a surprise attack from below, with a "ZIP" sound effect.
Captain Heroic (voice-over): "So there was only one way to get to him... from below."

Panel 5:
Hana looks skeptical, questioning Captain Heroic.
Hana: "But Cap... he had the entire building sealed off. How did you get inside?!"

Panel 6:
Captain Heroic smiles and winks smugly.
Captain Heroic: "Ohhhh, I was already in..."

Panel 7:
Hana glances at her watch while Captain Heroic holds his wink.
Captain Heroic: "How... how much longer do I have to hold this wink?"
Hana: "We’ve got another five minutes until commercial."

Courting Disaster, Aug 25, 2006

Courting Disaster

Courting Disaster, my weekly comic about sex, love, and relationships updates every Friday. It’s a lot of fun. You’ll laugh your pants off. This week’s question:

This probably shouldn’t bother me but it does. I’m a happily married man for over five years, but I just found out that when I met my wife down the Jersey shore, she had a two-week torrid romance with one guy while she was dating another guy the whole time. When I showed up, she told me she was single, we dated, fell in love and are married. I know that it was a long time ago, but should I feel like a stooge for being married to a so-called "shore whore?" When we slept together for the first time, she volunteered it had been "over a year" since she had sex. Now I found out it was only a matter of weeks. Is it normal to feel like an idiot?