Chapter 16 | Page 1a: The Anti-Voxxer


Evil Inc by Brad Guigar

Jan. 21, 2025

Panel 1:
A building labeled "FNN" (Fairmount News Network) is shown with a banner displaying the network's logo. A yellow narration box reads:
Narration: "You’d never know it, but the Fairmount News Network is in chaos."

Panel 2:
Inside an office with multiple desks, workers look panicked and distressed. Some hold their heads, others gesture as if shouting, and a security guard seems trapped. Speech bubbles are empty.
Narration: "Inside: panic, pain, and pandemonium... without a peep!"
Narration: "Workers are trapped at their desks, unable to phone for help."
Narration: "Security guards are stuck inside invisible constraints."

Panel 3:
A dramatic reveal shows a mime in a black beret, striped shirt, and suspenders stepping forward with a menacing pose. A large caption introduces him:
Narration: "Presently, the menace behind the mayhem steps out of the shadows..."
Large Text: "The ANTI-VOXXER"
Footnote: "Note: 'Vox' is Latin for 'voice.'"

Panel 4:
The newsroom set is shown with anchors being blown away by a mysterious indoor wind, while the mime approaches.
Narration: "A mysterious indoor wind blows the anchors away from the news desk as he approaches!"
Narration: "He has the rapt attention of the city — and the nation!"

Panel 5:
The Anti-Voxxer gestures dramatically while holding a piece of paper. On-screen text identifies the situation.
Narration: "There have been better-thought-out schemes..."
Time Stamp: "1:35 P.M."

Super-Hero Newspaper

Super-Hero NewspaperThis sounds really cool. I’m going to have to look for a copy.

[SILVER BULLET COMICS] For those who ever wondered what a major metropolitan newspaper would be like if superheroes were the world, the answer is The Hero Street Press.

Authentic right down to the Associated Press style guides and printed in the traditional broadsheet size (13″ x 22″), the only indications that The Hero Street Press is anything other than a traditional newspaper are the fantastic stories.

“I want to cultivate a suspension of disbelief. A newspaper provides a perception-enhancing slice of world events,” Eric Miller, publisher, said. “The Hero Street Press does the same thing, except it’s a view of the type of world people fantasize about.”

The newspaper is fully interactive. The Opinions section has space for letters to the editor, where readers can complain or compliment the activity or superheroes or any other topic that strikes their interest. The Features section has a gossip columnist who digs up superhero dirt and an advice columnist who offers help for people struggling with super-issues in their personal and/or professional lives.

Read more.

Maybe Evil Inc needs to take out an ad… 🙂