Chapter 16 | Page 2a: Commission impossible

The Wrong Way

I've launched a new show with my friends Dave Kellett and Kevin McShane — The Wrong Way. We try to draw off-model versions of popular characters and roast each other mercilessly in the process! Here's our first episode!


Evil Inc by Brad Guigar

Jan. 28, 2025

Panel 1:
(Setting: An office at the Fairmount City branch of Evil Inc. Catnip, a blonde woman in a tight blue catsuit and visor, storms into the room angrily. Iron Dragon, a man in a purple and black villain costume, sits at a desk looking confused.)

Catnip: "MONEY-BACK GUARANTEE?! Since when do we have a MONEY-BACK GUARANTEE?!"

Iron Dragon: "What are you talking about?"

Panel 2:
(Catnip gestures as she explains.)

Catnip: "You know that Evil Mime that Captain Heroic thwarted downtown last week? He was my client."

Panel 3:

Catnip: "He says our branch now offers your money back if our products or services fail!"

Panel 4:

Catnip: "If he gets his money back, I lose my commission!"

Iron Dragon: "That's… that’s infuriating!"

Panel 5:
(Iron Dragon, now angrier, leans toward Catnip.)

Iron Dragon: "You're SALARIED! Howcome YOU get a commission?!?"

Baltimore Comic Con

Baltimore Comic ConI made a last-minute comic-convention decision. I’m going to be appearing at the Baltimore Comic Convention. If you’re going to be in Baltimore Sept. 9-10, stop by and say hi to me in Artist’s Alley. I’ll selling and signing copies of the Evil Inc Annual Report, the Best of Lightning Lady book, and the Courting Disaster collection.

I’ll also be doing convention sketches and handing out all sorts of freebies. It’s going to be lots of fun, so make plans to be there!