Chapter 16 | Page 6a: Twelve steps


Evil Inc – March 4, 2025
By Brad J. Guigar

Panel 1
(Scene: A church basement on the west side of Fairmount City. A young man excitedly recognizes Angus the Minotaur.)

Matt: Hey! I know you!
Matt: You’re Angus the Minotaur!
Angus: Ach! Look, mate, I’m not lookin’ for any bother!

Panel 2
(Matt tries to reassure Angus while fanboying over him.)

Matt: It’s OK!
Matt: I’m a hench just like you!
Matt: —Well, not just like you! You’re a legend!
Angus: Thank you. Good night.

Panel 3
(Matt stops Angus from leaving, insisting on buying him a drink.)

Matt: HOLD ON! You gotta let me buy you a beer!
Angus: No, thanks, I... Excuse me...

Panel 4
(A woman with dark hair approaches the two with a question.)

Woman: Could you tell me which way to the Route Three bus stop?
Matt: Oh!
Matt: Oh, yes!
Matt: Let me show you...

Panel 5
(Angus finally gives in to Matt’s persistence, picking him up as he agrees to have a drink together.)

Angus: Fine, then, ya dobber. Let’s have a damned pint...

Panel 6
(The woman panics and tries to stop them.)

Matt: WAIT!
Matt: NO!

Panel 7
(The woman sighs as she stands near a bulletin board, revealing she is attending a support group meeting.)

(Sign on the bulletin board: "TONIGHT
7 PM Minotaurs Without Mates
8 PM Succubi Support: Overdrainers Anonymous")

(The woman’s wings extend with a "FWUMP" sound as she resigns herself to the situation.)

Woman: (sigh)


VILF Shirt, Part Three

VILF Shirt, Part ThreeOK… let’s table the color scheme for a moment and concentrate on the design itself.

The silhouette design is and overwhelming favorite. I made her a little more sexy, ditched the cuffed boots, and added stilletto heels and a devil’s tail (to drive home the evil concept). You’ll notice a few different tails — let me know which one works best for you.

I’m also trying out fonts — special thanks to Paul Southworth who consulted on typography — and listening to any other issues that come to mind. Next, we’ll start talking color.