Chapter 16 | Page 1a: The Anti-Voxxer


Evil Inc by Brad Guigar

Jan. 21, 2025

Panel 1:
A building labeled "FNN" (Fairmount News Network) is shown with a banner displaying the network's logo. A yellow narration box reads:
Narration: "You’d never know it, but the Fairmount News Network is in chaos."

Panel 2:
Inside an office with multiple desks, workers look panicked and distressed. Some hold their heads, others gesture as if shouting, and a security guard seems trapped. Speech bubbles are empty.
Narration: "Inside: panic, pain, and pandemonium... without a peep!"
Narration: "Workers are trapped at their desks, unable to phone for help."
Narration: "Security guards are stuck inside invisible constraints."

Panel 3:
A dramatic reveal shows a mime in a black beret, striped shirt, and suspenders stepping forward with a menacing pose. A large caption introduces him:
Narration: "Presently, the menace behind the mayhem steps out of the shadows..."
Large Text: "The ANTI-VOXXER"
Footnote: "Note: 'Vox' is Latin for 'voice.'"

Panel 4:
The newsroom set is shown with anchors being blown away by a mysterious indoor wind, while the mime approaches.
Narration: "A mysterious indoor wind blows the anchors away from the news desk as he approaches!"
Narration: "He has the rapt attention of the city — and the nation!"

Panel 5:
The Anti-Voxxer gestures dramatically while holding a piece of paper. On-screen text identifies the situation.
Narration: "There have been better-thought-out schemes..."
Time Stamp: "1:35 P.M."

Fan Art!

Fan Art!I’ve been getting some fantastic fan art, but unfortunately, I’ve been ultra busy and unable to work on a Fan Art page. Finally, I got a little time and decided I’ve got to get this stuff out there! I’ve got a Miss Match Lego character, a beautiful Lightning Lady sketch, and some holdovers from my Greystone Inn days — including a sculpted Argus and a 3D rendering of him in the studio. Take a look!

You wanna know what the real cool thing is? Not only do I have a really cool sketch (seriously… this guy draws a hot Lightning Lady), but a lot of the art I’ve received is off-the-wall ideas like clay, Legos, and 3-D modelling!

I’m telling ya, you guys are the coolest!