Chapter 16 | Page 4a: Employee orientation

The Evil Inc villains think their new manager, Cassie Cruz, has been leaking information to the superheroes. She needs to find the REAL mole before it’s too late.

Evil Inc – February 18, 2025
By Brad J. Guigar

[Panel 1]
(Setting: A break room with a window showing a cityscape. Jeremy and Cassie Cruz are sitting at a table, discussing a possible mole.)

Jeremy: Could the mole be someone from the Silver Agency crew?

Cassie Cruz: No... They’ve been in orientation all this time. They wouldn’t have access to high-level intelligence.

[Panel 2]
(Setting: A company orientation room. Employees, including Gluetrap, Malocchio, Giant Tess, and the Night Mayor, are sitting in chairs. A sign in the background reads “SAFETY FIRST – THEN PULL THE TRIGGER” with smaller text referencing workplace romance.)

Gluetrap: What about workplace romances?

Giant Tess: The company frowns on dating among employees.

Night Mayor: That’s not gonna stop me from asking a smokeshow like Lightning Lady out on a date!

(Yellow narration box: “…Or any intelligence, for that matter.”)

[Panel 3]
(Giant Tess responds to Night Mayor's comment.)

Giant Tess: If you got a date with her… The company would go through a series of Tex Avery-style reactions… including bulging eyes, floor-level jaw drops, a carpet-like unraveling tongue…And “Awoogah-awoogah!” sound effects.

[Panel 4]
(Penultimate Silent Panel)

[Panel 5]
(Giant Tess looms over Night Mayor.)

Giant Tess: …And then it would frown.

(End comic.)

© 2025 Brad J. Guigar. All rights reserved.


The Evil Inc villains think their new manager, Cassie Cruz, has been leaking information to the superheroes. She needs to find the REAL mole before it’s too late.

Parting shot

Hall of Heroes, Cherry Hill Mall, NJ

I have a new comic store. And they just made me a loyal customer.

See, here’s the deal, I fell for the whole Countdown to Infinite Crisis hook like a hypnotized lemur. I put them all on my reserve file at my old comic book shop.

I checked back in a while later. I had issues 1 and 3 from one title. Only issue 2 from another. Only issue 3 from a third… it was pretty pathetic. So, I wandered into Hall of Heroes in Cherry Hill Mall in New Jersey and ended up talking to the guy behind the counter. He helped me plug most of the holes in all four series… even going to the back room to find some. He pointed out some great titles I’d forgotten to look for (Like “The Defenders”) and was an all-around likeable comic-shop guy. 🙂

Before I knew it, I’d started a new reserve list there and left with plans to cancel my reserve at the old place.

Good enough, right?

Well, first a little backstory…

I’m still sore about the OMAC project series. Issue #3 leaves off and says you have to read three other titles to fill in the gap between OMAC #3 and OMAC #4. I hate that. And I didn’t read it until I already had OMAC #4 in my hands, saying, “Wha–? When did that ha–? What’s going on h–?!”

So I go in to pick up my reserves today, and I get the OMAC #5 and a bunch of other titles.

It’s not till I get home when I find a little something that they threw in for me: The issue of Wonder Woman that was one of the three you needed to read to understand the OMAC gap. A wonderful ish. An ish not in my reserve list, but one I wanted very much.

The guy behind the counter (a different guy) had asked me to check them over to make sure they were the ones I wanted — and I didn, kinda — but I kinda thought it was a formality.

Anyway… Whoever was thoughtful enough to throw that WW issue into my file won over a loyal customer for a long time… and a little plug. If they had a Web site, I’d link it. But suffice it to say, stop in to Hall of Heroes in the Cherry Hill mall. It’s a really swank store with books, T-shirts, figurines, Godzilla stuff… kind of a comic con in a can.